Saturday, May 1, 2010


I'm sorry I have not been updating for all of you following my blog. It's the last few weeks of class and I have been slammed with homework and end of the semester visitors and trips! Unfortunately I don't think I will be able to fully update everything until my finals are over on May 11th. But just to give a quick review:

After Dublin I had spring break for two weeks. I started off in northern Italy, touring Milan and Venice with one of my best friends Katie, then made my way to Barcelona where I spent the week with Raia and Brenden. My first weekend back to school was our group excursion to El Escorial, the royal palace of the spanish king Felipe II. The weekend after that was probably the most exciting point of my entire semester: my parents came to visit!! We spent five days touring Madrid and Toledo. It felt as though I had never left home! This past weekend was Segovia for a day and then Barcelona with a group of people from my program, and now I'm just trying to get as much homework done before my next visitor arrives...Mr. Kyle Nally!!

Kyle lands at Barajas airport around 2:15, where I will be anxiously waiting for him. I'll take good care of him Auntie Barb, don't you worry! I' m helping with most of the Spanish/sight seeing while he is in Madrid and since I know Barcelona almost as well as Madrid after 3 trips there, I found an extra city map in my disaster of a room and marked out the 10 most important sites of the city for him there as well. My hospitality side is really coming out this weekend! In Barcelona they speak Catalan or English, NOT Spanish, so he is all set in that department! It will be a nice, easy going weekend. We can get to know the city while relaxing, like true Madrilenos! Es muy bien por tu salud! Oh and the weather...sunny and mid 70s! I know your jealous mom and dad! (It rained their entire visit =( )

As for now I must try and finish my 6-8 page research paper for my internship class before I leave for the airport at 2! Wish me luck!!